

So Bryan and I had a photo shoot just us the Monday before the wedding. I HIGHLY recommend this! It meant on our wedding day we spent an hour taking photos with family and then we were done! We got to leave and go spend TIME with all those wonderful people who came for our wedding. Also, I had time to take a nap. My thing for wedding planning was that anything that can be done before the wedding day DO IT. Doing pictures before made our wedding day that much more relaxed.

Our photography for our bridals was done by Holly Aprecio. You can see more of her work at her blog. I went to High School with Holly. It was fun to see her again and we were VERY pleased with how the pictures turned out.

It’s funny how after a few years in Texas getting married in Seattle felt so exotic. This picture has snowy mountains, evergreen trees, green grass even in the middle of summer, cloudy skies.Everything that screams “Washington!” to me.

Yep. We’re cute!

Now with Bryan’s signature eyebrow lift.

This is Bryan’s favorite. This is surprising because typically he hates any picture where his face is profile. In this case the picture is so great, he doesn’t care!

My favorite. We used a slightly different picture on our thank you postcards (which you should all be getting soon!  I promised!)

Bryan is super proud of this picture because he’s the one who suggested we pose in between these two trees. He likes the symbolism of two family trees coming together. Also, we look awesome.

So I bought my wedding dress because I fell in love with the back of it. Can you blame me? Look at those buttons! The beautiful train! The front of my dress is pretty, but the back is what made me feel like a bride.

Yep. We’re married now. We’re pretty much awesome.

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